The short answer is that on the day, the change cost the Coalition three percentage points in TPP vote share.
In the above run, I did not activate the set-up code which reduces the influence of the noiser polling houses. So three pecentage points is probably conservative.
The model code is as follows ...
// STAN: Two-Party Preferred (TPP) Vote Intention Model // - Updated to allow for a discontinuity event (Turnbull -> Morrison) // - Updated to exclude some houses from the sum to zero constraint // - Updated to reduce the influence of the noisier polling houses data { // data size int<lower=1> n_polls; int<lower=1> n_days; int<lower=1> n_houses; // assumed standard deviation for all polls real<lower=0> pseudoSampleSigma; // poll data vector<lower=0,upper=1>[n_polls] y; // TPP vote share int<lower=1> house[n_polls]; int<lower=1> day[n_polls]; vector<lower=0> [n_polls] poll_qual_adj; // poll quality adjustment // period of discontinuity event int<lower=1,upper=n_days> discontinuity; int<lower=1,upper=n_days> stability; // exclude final n houses from the house // effects sum to zero constraint. int<lower=0> n_exclude; } transformed data { // fixed day-to-day standard deviation real sigma = 0.0015; real sigma_volatile = 0.0045; int<lower=1> n_include = (n_houses - n_exclude); } parameters { vector[n_days] hidden_vote_share; vector[n_houses] pHouseEffects; real disruption; } transformed parameters { vector[n_houses] houseEffect; houseEffect[1:n_houses] = pHouseEffects[1:n_houses] - mean(pHouseEffects[1:n_include]); } model { // -- temporal model [this is the hidden state-space model] hidden_vote_share[1] ~ normal(0.5, 0.15); // PRIOR disruption ~ normal(0.0, 0.15); // PRIOR hidden_vote_share[2:(discontinuity-1)] ~ normal(hidden_vote_share[1:(discontinuity-2)], sigma); hidden_vote_share[discontinuity] ~ normal(hidden_vote_share[discontinuity-1] + disruption, sigma); hidden_vote_share[(discontinuity+1):stability] ~ normal(hidden_vote_share[discontinuity:(stability-1)], sigma_volatile); hidden_vote_share[(stability+1):n_days] ~ normal(hidden_vote_share[stability:(n_days-1)], sigma); // -- house effects model pHouseEffects ~ normal(0, 0.08); // PRIOR // -- observed data / measurement model y ~ normal(houseEffect[house] + hidden_vote_share[day], pseudoSampleSigma + poll_qual_adj); }